At New Ferry Rangers FC we believe that clear communication with Parents is significant to ensure that Parents & Supporters are informed of:

  1. The ethos of the club.
  2. The disciplined framework within which we operate.
  3. Our various policies.
  4. The ways in which parents can contact the volunteer members of the club.

Clear and effective communication with Parents takes place via the following routes:

Joining New Ferry Rangers Football Club:

When boys/girls want to join New Ferry Rangers FC at any level they are given an information sheet to inform them and their parents of the following:

  1. The ethos of the club.
  2. The significance of our Charter Standard status.
  3. The volunteer coaches roles and commitments.
  4. The distinction between enrolment and playing for a team.
  5. Our insurance policy.
  6. Awareness of how parents can become involved within the club.

Parents have to complete a registration form for each child joining, a copy of which can be obtained from the Club Secretary.

Parents Meetings:

A Parents evening will be held at the start of each season to:

  1. Inform new parents of the clubs ethos and aims.
  2. To give the parents opportunity to meet the volunteer staff.
  3. To provide a forum for answering any questions which the parents might raise.
  4. To inform parents of the trips organised by the club for the current season.

Prior to any major trips ie. those involving overnight accommodation, a Parents meeting will be held focussing on:

  1. The details of the trip.
  2. The location.
  3. Travel arrangements.
  4. Accommodation.
  5. Approximate dates and cost.
  6. Discipline expectations.
  7. Cancellations.
  8. Exclusions.
  9. Insurance.

Parents will, as always, be able to ask questions in relation to any aspect of the organised trips.


Parents & Supporters can access this website to find out general information about the club.


Parents learn about the positive attitude of the club towards celebrating the achievements of the girls/boys through our annual awards ceremony. All players and parents are invited and actively encouraged to attend and enjoy this celebration of progress and participation.

Managers and Coaches:

Undoubtedly, Managers and Coaches will be the main line of communication between parents and New Ferry Rangers FC. Managers/Coaches will disseminate any relevant information from the management meetings to parents; they will encourage parents to participate in club activities and take part in any organised fund raising and social events which take place to raise funds for the benefit of the boys/girls at the club.

Managers/Coaches should be aware that parents should feel confident to approach them over any issues which they might want or need to raise. Parents need to be made aware that this should not happen during training sessions or matches when attention needs to be focussed on developing football skills.

As a result of our effective lines of communication, parents should gain a good understanding of all that happens at New Ferry Rangers FC and should feel confident to communicate with our staff over any relevant issues.