How it works……….
numbers drawn out of a weekly draw. Draw time 19:00 on Friday Evenings.
The way it works The aim of the Lotto is to predict 4 numbers between 1 to 24.
The correct guess will win 50% of the total proceeds of the Lotto.
Entry to all is £1.00 per Envelope.
Last envelopes to be in by 16:00, prior to the draw at 19:00 Every Friday.
To start off with envelopes will be available from Simple credit or direct from Stu & Sam Bond.
Mark your selections clearly as incorrectly filled in envelopes will be declared vold.
Incorrect money will be declared void.
Winners will be notified within the week.
All proceeds will be donated to New Ferry Rangers.
Cash Prize cap will be £5000, Once and if this reaches beyond this prize fund it will start a reserve fund for the next Winner/Winners.
If cash fund is not won it will roll over until the next Week and so on until won.
Envelopes to go on sale soon with 1st draw aiming for Fri 5th August 2022